Who´s bad?

Nope, I am not referring to the number 1 hit of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

I am referring to our beautiful press, which most of us perceived as free, independent and unbiased. But really, it is anything in the world but that. Just take the very current example of the so called “Ukraine Crisis”.

Who´s bad? According to our media the answer is clear- Vladimir Putin.

Our western media is always claiming the same- no matter what- it all happens because of Russia, or rather Mr Putin. And isn´t it funny that mostly American politicians are claiming this in the first place? And anyhow, WHY would they care? It is not their country, it is not even happening on their continent?!

What could be observed, is that, if there is a conflict, the United States are not far…

Neither in the Ukraine, nor in the Middle East. According to our media, the Russians have invaded Ukraine for about 32 times in 2014! Any evidence? Nope, dead loss. Now Russia is moving closer to the west and wants to invade Baltic States?

Just have a look at this…. Now, who is moving closer???

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This was just a little intro to posts that will follow in the coming weeks. I am just sick and tired of our media coverage.

I am happy to see that there are more and more people who do not believe in their lies anymore. They are out and protest against the warmongers who are leading our countries. There were thousands of people on the streets in Germany, heading for peace inthe east. Showing that the media and governments are not representing the people.

Of course, this topic was not covered in out evening news ;)… that´s it for now, more to follow soon.

Jeanette Nowicki

Een gedachte over “Who´s bad?

  1. Hello Jeanette certainly interesting, but could you please focus more on the ‘economic’ angle? That would fit better with my course. Just find the economic angle in the ‘Russia story’. You certainly got my ear.


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